Composition graphs of result and balance, comparatives, cash availability, liquidity and operations summary.
Calculator of revenue per employee, average ticket and valuation per ebitda, indicators of composition of income and expenses, sales taxes, break-even point and the “Kanitz thermometer”, an tool created to predict the possibility of bankruptcy of companies based on their data.
See all accounts with a more practical view of the financial cycle, cash composition, receivable and payable accounts, and much more.
Calculate expenses and costs per employee and generate a chart with the composition of the payroll and payable labor obligations.
More than 10 indicators such as return on investment, liquidity, degree of leverage, degree of indebtedness without equity, return on equity and much more.
Budget Comparison
Compare revenue vs. budgeted (gross revenue) or budgeted vs. actual expenses (commercial expenses) by merchandise sales, rental sales, agribusiness sales, gross income, finance, cost over revenue, and more.